Services Offered

Dr Joel Collins, Dr Marcus Dickey and Dr Stephanie Wallwork are available for inpatient and outpatient consultations for all aspects of malignant (blood cancers) and non-malignant (bleeding/clotting, anaemia and other abnormal blood counts) haematology. They are credentialled at St Andrew's Private Hospital and St Vincent's Private Hospital.

Olivia O'Dempsey is available for palliative care outpatient consultations for both cancer and non-cancer conditions. Olivia also has admission rights at the Toowoomba Hospice.


Telehealth may be available for patients in eligible areas. This can be provided in the patient's home, GP surgery or local health facility - we support Zoom, Google Meet, Skype and the Queensland Health Telehealth Portal. Please note, not all haematological issues are able to be managed by telehealth. Generally most initial consultations require a face to face review. Please enquire further with our reception staff.

Malignant Haematology (Blood Cancers)
Investigation and management of the following disorders where the diagnosis is suspected or proven
  • Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Acute leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)
  • Myeloma, Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and amyloidosis
  • Invesigation of unexplained full blood count abnormalities
  • Investigation of unexplained lymphadenopathy
Bleeding Disorders
  • Haemophilia and Von Willebrand Disease
  • Platelet function disorders and rare coagulopathies
  • Investigation of suspected bleeding disorders
  • Interpretation of abnormal bleeding investigations
  • Perioperative management of patients with bleeding disorders
Thrombotic Disorders
  • Recurrent venous thromboembolism
  • Perioperative management of patients with thrombotic disorders
  • Interpretation of abnormal thrombophilia investigations
Obstetric/Gynaecological Haematology
  • Investigation and management of pregnancy loss where a thrombotic cause is suspected or proven
  • Management of pre-existing haematological disorders during pregnancy
  • Contraceptive advice in the setting in thrombotic disorders
General Haematology
  • Investigation of abnormal FBC and coagulation parameters
  • Investigation and management of immune cytopenias (ITP, haemolytic anaemias)
  • Investigation and management of hereditary haemochromatosis and iron storage disorders
Iron, Infusion and Venesection Service

We run a rapid anaemia, iron deficiency and iron infusion service in our rooms at St Andrew's Hospital for uninsured patients. We also offer this service via the St Andrew's day unit for insured patients.

Bone marrow aspirate +/- trephine (BMAT)

BMAT is typically performed for the diagnosis of unexplained full blood count abnormalities, and for the staging of lymphomas.

The procedure is offered as a day procedure under anaesthetist lead procedural sedation. Patients are admitted as day patients for procedural sedation. Uninsured patients will incur a hospital fee. Dr Collins has a no gap with most health funds for insured patients. Patients must be fasted, and cannot drive for 24h after procedural sedation.

Alternatively, the procedure is offered in the outpatient rooms of Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology (St Andrew's Toowoomba). Local anaesthetic is given to all patients, making the procedure quite tolerable. Additionally, patients can receive a penthrox inhaler (i.e. "Green whistle") for the procedure to alleviate any discomfort during the procedure. Note patients may purchase the penthrox on a private prescription from their pharmacy pre-procedure

Lumbar Puncture (LP)

Lumbar puncture is utilised for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in many haematological malignancies, and a number of other medical conditions.

Local anaesthetic, and a very fine needle is used in modern lumbar puncture procedure. This makes the procedure exceptionally well tolerated. Dr Collins is happy to receive referrals to perform LPs for diagnostic purposes for all indications.

Therapeutic Venesections

These are available both in our rooms for uninsured patients as well as via the St Andrew's Toowoomba day unit for insured patients.

The venesection service is available for patients with haemochromatosis, polycythemia and porphyria.